Corporate Profile

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Tender & Estimation

Estimate work is carried out by experienced estimators using computerized system to optimize material usage, increase productivity and to climate costly duplication.


Manufacture, Equipments & Machines

Behind alcop’s cool and efficient customer service division lies a formidable manufacturing capability backed by solid experience and state of the art expertise. The Company’s reputation is based on a communication to constantly develop new designs, improve existing performance and extend durability of all product lines. All Operations are monitored through fully equipped technical backup facilities conforming to internationally recognized standards. Cutting, drilling, milling, routing and welding fabrication processes are undertaken in house using our own skilled workers. Fabrication is carried out with the help of state of the art machinery and equipment to achieve highest quality with remarkable accuracy.

The processing machine and equipment is the guarantee for the realization of the technical demand and the product quality. The workshop prefabrication is the modern trend adopted by the construction industry. alcop has spent a huge amount introducing advanced processing machines and equipment including aluminium sheet cutting line, profile cutting line, back-anchored stone drilling line, unitized Curtain wall assembling line, windows/doors processing line and many more.


Installation is accompanied with highly skilled and experienced labor, supervised by senior management with commendable knowledge of world famous projects.

Project Management

The project manager prepares the methodology for installation work, risk assessments and site plans. The successful installation of the most complicated project safely demonstrates the experience of the project

Health & Safety

The health and the safety of the our employees and the related workers is of great importance. alcop is proud of its safety record. All site fixers are provided with site safety awareness training and safety belts, helmets, etc. before commencing work.

Financial Management

Corporate administration is exercised for all financial matters by qualified accountants.

Internal Audit

Internal audit reviews the reliability and accuracy of information data in accordance with the policies and regulations, security of assets, economical and productive use of resource with operational goal and objectives set out by the management.

Customer Relations – An On Going Partnership

alcop’s Customer Service division maintains an on going dialogue with the clients to ensure customer satisfaction. Consultancy services of qualified engineers are available on call to provide technical advice to customers and architects in selecting the most suitable products and also provide know how, calculation of wind pressure at any particular location at the initial stage of the project.

The technical know how available to the clients places alcop in the front line position where the client is assisted from the design to the completion stage of the project.